If you experience cravings, justifications, excuses, relief, or reward from eating sugar, then it's time to reclaim your power and your health. It's time for

Do you have a "sweet tooth"?

It sounds innocent, but it likely means you're addicted, which is wreaking havoc on your health

Sugar causes disease in two different ways, through inflammation and insulin resistance. But the effects usually don't show up for years. Depending on your genetics, it could show up as:

  • heart disease
  • dementia
  • cancer
  • depression
  • or any other chronic disease.

Take this free mini-course

You'll learn the research-based information that explains the WHY of quitting sugar

Fact: 1 in 3 Americans have pre-diabetes

But almost 90% of them don't know they have it![1]

If left untreated, those with pre-diabetes can develop Type 2 diabetes within 5 years.

BUT, pre-diabetes is completely reversible!

What is pre-diabetes?

And how do I know if I have it?

Pre-diabetes is when you have prolonged, elevated blood sugar (or blood glucose), which comes from eating simple carbohydrates like sweets and processed carbohydrates like bread, pasta and pizza. 

High blood sugar is a problem by itself because it can damage blood vessels, and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, vision problems and nerve problems.  To avoid all that, your body produces the hormone insulin so that the glucose can be absorbed into your cells, and used for energy or stored as fat (future energy). 

The problem is that your cells, after needing a frequent supply of insulin over many years, become resistant to the insulin, needing more and more of it. Eventually, your body just can't make enough insulin, causing Type 2 diabetes.

According to the CDC, there are several risk factors for pre-diabetes:

- If you're over 45

- If you are overweight

- If you are not physically active

- If you have a history of diabetes in your family

- If you're a woman who had gestational diabetes when pregnant

- If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure

These considerations include a LOT of people!

The CDC offers a simple test to see if you are at risk for pre-diabetes at: https://www.cdc.gov/prediabetes/takethetest

But quitting can be hard!

Learning more about what's happening in the body can help you stay motivated.

Then, once you're ready to quit, we'll guide you through the process and provide support in the Breaking Free from Sugar program.

The real cost and long-term risk of continuing with sugar

I’m afraid to say, the cost of inaction is NOT just a few extra pounds (though those extra pounds around your belly is linked to poor health outcomes).

Extra weight may be the obvious effect of having too many sweets, but it's only the tip of the iceberg. Sugar and processed foods are a primary cause of inflammation which is linked to every chronic disease. 

  • Diabetes. 1 in 10 people have diabetes, which is the 7th leading cause of death.[2] Having diabetes includes the loss of freedom and being on medication the rest of your life. Or worse, blindness or amputation of a limb.
  • Heart disease. Triple bypass anyone? My neighbor just had one after years of proudly saying “I have a wicked sweet tooth." Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, and the risk of developing heart disease is linked to how much sugar is consumed.[3]
  • Dementia. Now referred to as “Type 3 Diabetes,” and it’s on the rise. The number of people living with dementia worldwide is currently estimated at 47 million and is projected to increase to 75 million by 2030.
  • Depression. Inflammation in the gut can negatively impact the brain. Sugar is a primary cause of inflammation.

So, what do you think it will look like in 5-10-20 years from now if you keep going the way things are going now?

There’s also the emotional toll and hit on your self-esteem that all this try-and-fail has taken. You’re smart. You “should” be able to figure this out, right? Well, it’s darn hard to do on your own, especially if you’re the only one in your family that’s paying attention to their health in this way. 

What's included in the Rethinking Sugar program

Through multi-media lessons and reflection handouts, you'll learn:

  • The current state of affairs with sugar consumption and chronic disease
  • How we got this way
  • The three biggest sugar myths that keep people unhealthy
  • Why we are physiologically wired to like sugar
  • What sugar does in the body: brain, heart, liver and gut
  • What are the benefits of quitting sugar
  • Why it's so hard to quit: The 5 Pathways of Sugar Dependency
  • Where do we go from here
  • PLUS, you'll create your own action plan for reducing how much sugar and simple carbs you eat

If you know that sugar is a "thing" for you, and you're ready to learn more about it, then you're in the right place.

Even if you don't have pre-diabetes,  you still may be eating more sugar and simple carbs (like bread, pasta and pizza) than is good for you.

Do you start your day with good intentions--and what seems like firm resolve--only to be derailed by chocolate or bread by midday?

Or maybe, you’re "good" all day, and then in the evening can't seem to shut-off the desire to snack?

Or maybe, you're tired of spending countless amount of brain space and time time figuring out what you will "allow" yourself to eat on any given day, based on a (twisted) calculus of how much you've exercised, what the scale says, what your weight goal is, and where you'll be and who you'll see that day?

And all this is making you feel exhausted, and ineffective in creating a change?

This sort of mental dialogue is typical of people who are being manipulated by sugar.

Once you’re free of a sugar/carb addiction, you have the total freedom to choose what you want to eat – unlike being so compelled to eat the bread as if you had no choice. When you’re on the other side of a sugar/carb addiction, you can look at that fresh basket of bread and butter on the table and be totally disinterested – no willpower required! Really! Even if you’re hungry. Some specific things you can experience include:

  • You can eat anything you want; it’s what you want to eat that changes

  • More consistent energy

  • Better mental focus

  • Better sleep

  • Clearer skin

  • Better digestion

  • Weight loss

And, some of the things you’ll lose include:

  • Feelings of not being able to master your weight

  • Not being able to control your impulses

  • Not being able to control your rationalizations (they will try, but you will out-smart them)

  • Feelings of the inevitability of your situation

  • Feelings of futility

  • Feelings “it doesn’t matter that much” (it actually does)

Now is the time

Now’s the time for you to set a new course for your health journey, and it starts with learning more. Join this course for just $19.00 and start your journey to reclaim your health. 

To your health!



Andrea Grayson, PhD

Andrea’s primary work for the past decade has been in public health communications, where she designs marketing/outreach campaigns and programs to inspire healthy behaviors. She teaches about the social and behavioral aspects of public health in the Masters of Public Health program at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont and is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach.

Start your journey to better health NOW

Learn what sugar does in the body, and why it's so hard to quit.